
Do you struggle with your body confidence?

Have a little bit of excess weight since having children? Already trying to lose weight but struggling to shift the last few pounds? Struggling to feel like you look nice in your favourite clothes?

It doesn’t matter what the reason you’re looking to reclaim your self confidence is, the good news is that there is a non-invasive treatment method known as Exilis that is perfect for fat reduction almost anywhere on the body.

Fat reduction

What can fat reduction treatments do for you?

Excess weight

Carrying any amount of extra weight or fat on your body can be enough to throw your confidence out of the window. For a lot of women, this is a problem that presents itself no matter how healthy their diet is or how much exercise they are able to do.

Fat reduction

Exilis fat reduction treatments are able to reduce the appearance of fat almost anywhere on the body, whilst stimulating collagen production beneath the skin, resulting in a lower amount of fat with tighter and more youthful looking skin.

Fat reduction

Once your fat reduction results show through, you’ll be left with a tighter, firmer and slimmer silhouette that makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You’ll feel a renewed sense of life, and even better you’ll be getting old clothes back out!


What areas can the Exilis device treat?

The BTL Exilis fat reduction treatment can be performed almost anywhere on the body to help to reduce the appearance and volume of fat, including more delicate areas around the face.

The jowls, lower jawline and neck can be targeted to help to fight the appearance of sagging skin that is generally attributed to age or to fight the signs of a double chin, both of which are known to cause problems with body confidence.

It can be used on the upper arms to fight the appearance of “bingo wings”, an area that is known to cause severe confidence issues. The appearance of “bingo wings” can relate to excess weight, loose skin or a combination of the two, but the way in which the Exilis system works makes it able to effectively treat both of these symptoms.

It’s just as effective on the lower areas of the body, especially the waistline, hips and thigh areas which naturally accumulate fat due to the natural physiology of the body, simply there are more fat cells found in this area. This type of fat is considered to be “stubborn fat” and is difficult to get rid of via exercise and diet alone, but the Exilis fat reduction treatment is able to target and fight it effectively.

As a mother of two who needed a kick start to get back into exercising, I’m really happy with the results I’ve seen after having an Exilis treatment. I lost several inches from my stomach, my clothes are fitting me much better and it gave me the motivation that I needed to get to the gym and get in better shape!

Karen Ashcroft

In Clinic Review

After having one treatment I noticed some visible results, but after my next few sessions I’m looking forward to seeing much more noticeable changes. I was a little swollen after my session, but after this went down I could see the signs starting to show through and it’s made me excited to go back!

James Smith

In Clinic Review

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