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Pain Relief

At The Nantwich Clinic we can help you with all sorts of pain relief issues using our advanced technology, excellent patient care and first-class facilities.

Super Inductive System (SIS): Targeted, Non-Invasive Pain Relief Therapy

The Super Inductive System (SIS) is an innovative pain relief therapy using an intense electromagnetic field, which has positive therapeutic effects on human tissue. It can be focused on a specific body part and it is not necessary to undress for its application. To benefit from this treatment you may sit or lie, depending on the location of the troublesome body part.

How does the Super Inductive System help to relieve pain?

The pain relief that the Super Inductive System is able to provide is based on three different theories of neurophysical pain control. Each of these theories have differences based in the frequency spectrum that they are able to target, and the wide range of frequencies that the Super Inductive System can target can provide benefits across all of these.

How does the Super Inductive System help?

SIS therapy is capable of providing some level of immediate pain relief for all stages of disorders, whether chronic or acute. Up to 87% of patients described an improvement in their health from using the SIS.

Further effects include:

Fracture healing – Usually, the healing process for your bones takes around 6 weeks. Undergoing SIS therapy during this period can provide a boost to the circulation which aids in the formation of new bone.

Muscle stimulation – Muscle stimulation can help to strengthen the muscles, helping to maintain then and prevent any deterioration of muscle tissue.

Joint mobilisation – Joint mobilisation is the process of gently repeating movements to relieve a blocked joint.

Thanks to a wide range of stimulation frequencies, SIS can be indicated for its analgesic effects at all stages of pain

Talk to us about this treatment if you have:

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome


Spastic Reduction

Nerve Damage

Acquired Respiratory Disease

Slipped Disc


Impingement Syndrome

Back Pain (or any joint pain)

Muscle Atrophy

Don’t listen to us, listen to our customers

Patient Testimonials

“The pain in my wrist was keeping me awake at night. I’m now able to sleep through, I’m pain free.”

“Pain in my finger prevented me from playing the violin. After one session with the SIS I can now play again.”

“The pain I was feeling was so extreme that I was afraid of being driven over bumps in the road, I didn’t walk the dog and couldn’t lift the shopping. After 10 sessions with the SIS I am no longer taking pain relief medication and have returned to driving. My husband says I have my sparkle back!”

Ready to have a chat about how we can relieve your pain?

Book your appointment with The Nantwich Clinic by calling the number below.

Alternatively, you can use the link below to book online.

For Pain Relief you will see…


Sports Rehabilitation

My name is Lia, and I’m a Sports Rehabilitator here at The Nantwich Clinic. I help people suffering from pain, injury, or illness related to the musculoskeletal system. I assist individuals of all ages and backgrounds in maintaining their health and fitness, recovering from and preventing injuries, and reducing pain through exercise, movement, and manual-based therapeutic interventions. I offer a range of treatments, including Pilates,
SIS, Shockwave therapy, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, and rehabilitation, which includes stretching and strengthening exercises.

In my spare time, I play football, golf and do pilates. I like helping the community and litter pick in Nantwich on the weekends.

Let us solve your health problems

Whether it’s a quick question that you need to ask, or you would like to book an appointment with us, we want to hear from you. Simply click the button below to get started or contact us on 01270 627118.