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Skin Tightening

Non-surgical skin tightening to improve sagging skin and boost confidence. Achieve firmer, youthful skin with our advanced BTL Exilis and X-Wave treatments.

Restore Your Confidence: Effective Solutions for Loose and Sagging Skin

Loose or sagging skin almost anywhere on the body is bound to cause issues with body confidence, no matter whether the sagging is caused by methods such as exercise and weight loss or following something a little bit different like a pregnancy or an illness.

While sagging skin can happen to anyone at any point in their lifetime, it does tend to also be more likely to occur as a natural part of ageing. This is attributed to the deterioration of the levels of collagen and elastin that are found within the skin.

What can reduce the appearance of sagging skin?

BTL Exion

The BTL Exion system is the perfect solution to fight the signs and causes of sagging or loose skin anywhere on the body. Equipped with two specialised devices (one for the body and a smaller, more precise one for the face and neck), the Exion system uses a combination of ultrasound and radio frequency technology to trigger a thermal reaction beneath the skin. This reaction helps to stimulate the production of collagen (which is one of the things responsible for the youthfulness of the skin) beneath the surface which acts to tighten the skin.

BTL X-Wave

The BTL X-Wave system is often used in conjunction with the BTL Exion as an add on treatment, allowing for the enhancement of the results that have been achieved already. While the primary goal of the Exion is to tighten the appearance of the skin, the X-Wave is particularly good at smoothing the skin. By combining the two technologies together, you can achieve tighter, smoother skin using non-invasive and non-surgical technologies.

Why does skin sag?

There are a number of different possible causes for the skin to sag, but one of the most commonly associated is age. As we get older, the skin starts to acquire blemishes, wrinkles, texture changes and even starts to sag.

The main reasons for this are collagen and elastin, two of the main foundations of youthful skin. Their production naturally slows down with age, and as the production slows and the collagen in the skin breaks down, it isn’t replenished properly which causes the skin to sag.

Changes to the body, such as rapid weight loss or pregnancy, can also leave you with sagging or loose skin. If you think of your body like a balloon that has been inflated, letting out some of the air leads to changes in the texture of the balloon and it’s similar with how the body operates. Losing weight quickly, or giving birth, doesn’t allow the skin to naturally regain it’s shape at a steady rate, causing the loose and saggy appearance at surface level.

What areas of the body can be targeted to treat sagging skin?

Thanks to the combination of technologies used, and the specific devices that are used, sagging skin can be treated almost anywhere on the body, including;

  • Face
  • Jowls
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Waist & Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs

Both of the BTL X-Wave and BTL Exion devices are non-invasive and non-surgical, simply relying on the utilisation of differing technologies to trigger reactions beneath the skin that improve the appearance of the skin at surface level.

There is no downtime or recovery period associated with either treatment, but it’s important to make sure that you continue to look after your skin post-treatment to ensure that no further damage happens to it. UV exposure can damage the skin and plays a part in accelerating the process of the skin sagging.

Get your skin tightening treatment in Nantwich today!

Book your sagging skin reduction appointment with The Nantwich Clinic by calling the number below.

Alternatively, you can use the link below to book online.

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