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How to minimise sagging skin after weight loss with Exilis 360

How to minimise sagging skin after weight loss with Exilis 360

Aesthetics, Lifestyle
June 21 2022

Firstly, congratulations on the effort you have put in to get yourself healthier and slimmer!

Weight loss journeys can be emotional roller coasters; they need determination and lifestyle changes, so you should be celebrating your hard work!

Now that you are at the weight you want, you may look at other ways to improve how you feel about your body.

After a significant weight loss, it’s probable that you are now left with excess skin that is sagging and feels unattractive.

You’ve got rid of the fat, and now you have another challenge – how to get rid of the excess skin!

You have probably found that skin is sagging everywhere: stomach, arms, legs, face and neck. The length of time you were overweight and the amount of weight you have lost will contribute to the resulting amount of skin.

What can you do about sagging skin?

Just like your weight loss journey, this isn’t going to be easy.

Skin loses its ability to retract with age due to elastin damage and loss of collagen, so the older you are, the more difficult it will be. However, there are things that you can do at home to help.

What are the best natural remedies to minimize excess skin?

Weight Training and resistance work – replacing the lost fat with muscle can decrease the appearance of loose skin. Build muscle with yoga, pilates, lifting weights or using resistance bands.

Weight training and resistance work can help younger and older people seeking to reduce sagging skin.

Collagen Supplements

Collagen is like scaffolding to our skin; as we age, the natural production of collagen in our body decreases which is when the skin starts to wrinkle and sag. We can build up the collagen in our skin by taking a daily supplement. We can also Collagen load to begin this process.

Collagen supplements can come in various forms; powders, gels, pills, and drinks.

Marine Collagen is beneficial for skin, nails and hair whilst Bovine Collagen helps skin, nails, hair and joints.

Eat well and stay Hydrated

You’ve already changed your eating habits which have resulted in your weight loss. However, keeping it up can also aid your skin journey;

  • Protein for collagen production
  • Omega 3 fatty acids in fish promote elasticity
  • Vitamin C protects against skin damage

Drinking water has huge benefits for the whole of your body. As far as your skin is concerned, dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkly, so proper hydration can help with this.

Drinking water also helps keep your muscles working correctly – dehydrated muscles don’t work either, so be sure to rehydrate when weight training too.

Use sunscreen and don’t smoke

We all know sunscreen protects our skin, but it shouldn’t be reserved for foreign holidays or beach days. The sun is active even on cloudy days at home, so wearing sunscreen daily is beneficial to protect your skin.

Smoking has huge effects on the appearance of skin – it’s also really bad for you! We know you know ????

Anything else?

The Exilis

The BTL Exilis Ultra 360 tightens loose, sagging skin by stimulating collagen production. On-body areas melt away unwanted fat and shape the body and face, tightening loose skin and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles.

Head over to our web page, to see some of the terrific results we’ve had.

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