
Do you struggle with bladder issues?

Do bladder problems cause you to have to rethink every aspect of your day to day life? Plan trips to ensure that you know where the nearby bathrooms are located? Worry about buying new clothes in case you leak?

Well, thanks to the revolutionary new EMSELLA treatment from BTL Aesthetics, bladder issues and the embarassment that comes hand in hand with them can be a thing of the past.

Bladder control problems

What can EMSELLA do for you?

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Pelvic floor

Kegel exercises are a great way to help with incontinence and strengthen the pelvic floor, but problems can still happen. The EMSELLA treatment is capable of providing contractions that are the equivalent of performent 10,000 kegel exercises!

Bladder leakage

EMSELLA uses high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy waves to target the muscles in the pelvic floor to strengthen them, with approximately 95% of patients seeing a noticeable improvement to their bladder leakage problems.

Ingrown toenail treatment

After undergoing your final EMSELLA treatment, results will start to show within 3-6 months (depending on the severity of the issues) and give you back the freedom to enjoy your life, without the worry and hassle of your bladder causing a problem.

Bladder problems

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence, the medical terminology for bladder control problems, is a condition that affects around 200 million people around the world, with the majority of those being women.

It can be caused by something as simple as the pelvic floor being weakened due to age or becomes present after pregnancy when the muscles have weakened during childbirth, but it always presents itself as a problem with being able to control the bladder correctly.

There are five different types of urinary incontinence, ranging from a sudden urge to urinate without any warning to it leaking when you sneeze or cough, and all of them cause worry and embarrasment to those who struggle with it day to day.

While kegel exercises can help to strengthen the muscles in the pevlic floor, which can help with bladder control, the EMSELLA treatment is a non-surgical and non-invasive way to reclaim your independence and livelihood, without fear of leaking in public.

I could feel a benefit after my first treatment but as my course progressed I really started to notice the changes. I don’t have to worry about leaks any more, don’t need to be spending money on pads to wear whilst I’m out and about and everything has left me feeling amazed about this treatment.

Michelle Green

In Clinic Review

EMSELLA does feel strange at first, but it’s not an uncomfortable feeling that wants to make you leap up off the seat while it’s being done. After my course of sessions was finished I’ve noticed a massive improvement and have a bit more of a spring in my step with no embarrassing leakage side-effects to be worrying about.

Jennie Grimes

In Clinic Review

I have had two children, who both always say oh mums never go on trampolines, who say oh come on mum run about in the garden, and so often I’ve had to say not today kids. Since having my course of Emsella treatment I have to say I’m impressed, I’ve sneezed, been on that trampoline, drank alcohol at a big party and certainly felt that I no longer have to nip to the bathroom just in case. Everything feels stronger, more controlled and capacity and control of my bladder is definitely better, notably I haven’t had to wear pads since.

Part way through I really did wonder if it was making much difference but after that I really concentrated on correct positioning and looking out for small changes. What I would say is don’t rush to get appointments too close together, allow the muscles to recover they are having an incredible workout.

This is an investment but it has fundamentally changed things for me and I would recommend the team at Nantwich clinic to take you on this journey, they are all incredibly welcoming and the treatment is simple and truly effective.


In Clinic Review

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